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From a modest beginning in 2007, SIRTS – Pharmacy has now grown into a fully
integrated PG Pharmacy Institution. The guiding philosophy of the college,
throughout, has been creation of knowledge and influencing Pharmacy practices.
The objectives of imparting education, combined with creation, dissemination
and application of knowledge, are being met in an integrated form, to create a
synergetic impact.
Here we inculcate human values and professional ethics in the students, which
will help them to make decisions and create path that will be good not only for
them, but also for the nation. To fulfill its mission each members of the
institutions strives to achieve excellence in every endeavour – may be in
education, research, consultancy services, training or raising – the IPR of the
institutes. I believe in continuous learning, adopting and implementing latest
technological changes taking place in every sphere of the life.